
Let’s Get Intentional

Whew! Finally, I’m back! April was a bit of a whirlwind for our family, and this space fell to the backburner in the chaos. First, we all got an awful cold (yes, we’re sure it wasn’t Covid…or the flu…or strep throat!) that stretched over two weeks as each member of our family developed symptoms in turn. When we finally started to see the light at the end of the tunnel, positive Covid cases started popping up at our kids’ school. And while our kids (and most of their classmates) are vaccinated, we were holding our breath, watching for symptoms, and getting everyone PCR tested 5 days after each positive case in their classrooms. Miraculously, none of us tested positive, now everyone is well, and it seems like things have returned back to normal(ish) for May.

While I took an (unintentional) break over the past few weeks, I thought a lot about what I’d like to do with this space. So many things are shifting in my life right now – the kids are in school, I’m thinking about how I’d like to spend my time, and, like so many of us, I’m finding out what a return to normalcy looks like after two years of pandemic living. 

Something I’ve always been passionate about is focusing on intentional living. Whether it’s building a wearable wardrobe, practicing self care, keeping our home, or feeding my family, what are the things that actually work and bring more calm into my daily life?

And, can I tell you the truth? I’m not always great at this! But I do know that the times I’ve practiced intention in these areas, it clears so much mental clutter out of my day to day. So, as I focus on bringing some of these routines and disciplines back into my life, I’ll be writing about that here – I hope you join me!