
The Books I Read in April 2022

April was the kind of month where I did a lot more reading books than finishing books. Does this ever happen to you? I know it’s totally normal to not finish every book in progress by the end of the…

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Let’s Get Intentional

Whew! Finally, I’m back! April was a bit of a whirlwind for our family, and this space fell to the backburner in the chaos. First, we all got an awful cold (yes, we’re sure it wasn’t Covid…or the flu…or strep…

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My Nighttime Skincare Routine

Hello, and welcome to my nighttime skincare routine! In my careless youth, I went to bed without washing my face more than I’d like to admit. But somewhere in my mid-20’s, I committed to a nightly routine. Now I’m in…

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The Books I Read in March 2022

In March, I feel like I finally hit a good rhythm with reading. I ended up finishing EIGHT books this month. In January and February, I only finished two books each month, so I’m feeling pretty proud of my progress.…

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Casual Spring Dresses

Even though the temperatures in Chicago this week are still way below freezing, the calendar says it’s spring, and I’m dreaming of dresses. Here are some of the styles I have my eye on for when the weather finally warms…

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Easy Spring Breakfast: Strawberry Shortcake Muffins

I am, perhaps, a little over-enthusiastic when it comes to buying berries, especially when they are in season, and especially when they are strawberries. When I buy all of these strawberries, I feel so optimistic about my plans to eat…

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My Morning Skincare Routine

Hello! Today I’m going to tell you about my morning skincare routine. I love to read about other people’s skincare routines, just to see if I can learn something new or find a good reason to try out a product…

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The Best T-Shirt Under $10

As we move into spring and getting dressed in the warmer weather, I find that spending a little time to inventory and update my core wardrobe basics makes getting dressed so much easier. T-shirts aren’t the most exciting part of…

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The End of an Era

For the past six years, I’ve been a homeschooling mom. Honestly, when I first became a mother, homeschooling was not something I imagined doing! We originally made the leap to homeschool as a pragmatic decision when facing a cross-country move,…

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